Password Hell – ‘Nuff said

Pon una de estas contraseñas, o mejor no pongas ninguna 😉

Ah dad...

It has to be the most common annoyance experienced by users of technology everywhere.  As soon as you want to partake in the pleasures and treasures of modern comforts, a password is required.  For every frigging thing.

Where did they get my list of passwords from? Where did they get my list of passwords from?

A password is required if you want to buy stuff, read stuff, access stuff, post stuff, play stuff, write stuff, approve stuff, release stuff.  A password is even required if you just want to retrieve your own goddamn stuff.  You end up with a thousand different places where you need to type in those eight crucial characters.

The problem is an obvious one:  What normal human being has the ability to remember all the different passwords that is required for daily functioning?

No one, I tell ya.  Not one single person.  (And Spock is not a person.)

The reality is that most people simply pick one.  A password for everything.  One word that rule them…

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Acerca de Rafael Quintana

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